Hello. Thank you for your request. I hereby grant you permission to reprint the article about Early Buttons in the Wisconsin State Button Society Bulletin. In exchange, please give proper credit to me, and print the link: https://detectorsdigest.substack.com/p/early-buttons

I appreciate your interest. Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information. In case you're interested, I have written another post on buttons in Detector's Digest. You can find it here: https://detectorsdigest.substack.com/p/military-two-piece-blow-hole-and

(Yes, that second link ends with the word "and", strange as that may seem.)


Brent Cosey

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Brent Cosey, How can I get permission to reprint your article about early (colonial) buttons for the Wisconsin State Button Society Bulletin? I know that our members would be very interested in this type of button. Thanks. Caroline Gilderson-Duwe WSBS Bulletin editor

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